
Dermal fillers are one of the revolutionary aesthetic treatments offered at Bare Medical Aesthetics in Greeley, CO. Filler is a non-surgical procedure designed to enhance your natural beauty by restoring volume and reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. With its cutting-edge formula, filler works by injecting a gel-like substance into targeted areas of the face, providing an instant lift and rejuvenating effect.

This versatile treatment can be applied to various areas, including the cheeks, lips, chin. Whether you desire plumper lips, more defined cheekbones, or a smoother complexion, Filler can help you achieve your desired results.

The treatment is suitable for individuals who wish to enhance their facial features, improve signs of aging, or address volume loss. Results will be immediately visible after the procedure, with continued improvements over the following weeks as the filler settles. The effects of fillers typically last anywhere from six months to a year, providing you with long-lasting rejuvenation and youthful-looking skin.

Experience the rejuvenating effects of Filler at Bare Medical Aesthetics today. Book your consultation and let our skilled professionals guide you toward achieving your aesthetic goals. Don’t wait any longer to unlock your natural beauty and restore your confidence!

Benefits of Filler at Bare Medical Aesthetics include:

•Instantly restores volume and smoothness to the skin
•Enhances facial contours for a more youthful appearance
•Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
• Improves the definition of lips, cheeks, and chin
• Rejuvenates the under-eye area, reducing dark circles and hollows
• Non-surgical procedure with minimal downtime
• Results are customizable and tailored to your unique needs
• Long-lasting effects provide extended rejuvenation
• Boosts self-confidence and enhances the natural beauty
• Performed by well-experienced and qualified professionals


Filler starting at


Filler FAQs

The procedure may take around 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the treated areas.

Some patients experience minimal discomfort during the procedure. Our team can apply a topical numbing cream to ensure your comfort.

There may be some temporary side effects, such as redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection site. These usually subside within a few days.

Yes, fillers can be combined with other aesthetic treatments to enhance your results further. Our experts can customize a comprehensive treatment plan for you.

There may be some minor swelling or redness typically resolved in 1-2 weeks.

Contact Bare Medical Aesthetics and schedule a consultation with one of our skilled professionals. We’ll guide you through the process and answer any additional questions you may have.